OSC transfers iPhone Apps to AirSpayce

Open System Consultants Pty Ltd has sold its iPhone Apps to AirSpayce Pty Ltd. The Apps concerned are: iBal iWizWheel Dsky GeeMeter RCTx For details of the transfer, please see the Important Notice.

OSC’s RadSec is now RFC6614

OSC is proud to announce that RadSec protocol originally developed by OSC has been accepted by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) asRFC 6614 “Transport Layer Security (TLS) Encryption for RADIUS” In 2005, OSC saw the need for a secure, reliable way...

Radiator proven with MVTS Pro VoIP Gateway

The latest candidate in Radiator RADIUS server’s interoperability testing program is MVTS Pro VoIP Gateway from Aloe Systems. It is a high performance class 4 softswitch with SBC (Session Border Controller) functionality – a carrier-grade solution for VoIP...

Radiator 4.7 released

Open System Consultants is delighted to announce release 4.7 of Radiator RADIUS server. As usual, there is a great range of additions in this release – from small helpful adjustments to some very significant contributions. One standout is the sample Radiator...

Radiator for hotel wireless hotspots

With Radiator RADIUS server you can build a prepaid wired or wireless internet access system for hotels with automatic billing to the room. We have recently included a sample configuration that works with Opera Property Management System (PMS), Mikrotik hotspot...