Basic information

Radiator Service Provider Pack brings customers all the functionality of Radiator AAA server software. It comes with user-based unlimited servers licensing, which allows customers to deploy on as many sites and as many servers as their deployment requires.

Radiator Service Provider Pack includes carrier-class AAA functionality and support, which ensures your network is reliable and secure.  It is the go to AAA server solution for ISPs. And – as is the case with any Radiator product – Radiator Service Provider Pack has proven multi-vendor support, leaving you free to decide which vendors’ hardware you want to deploy on your system. Whether a migration from existing AAA environment, greenfield deployment or a fusion of systems with multiple vendors hardware deployed, Radiator Service Provider Pack has your covered!

Radiator Service Provider Pack also includes complementary Diameter base functionality, the Radiator Service Provider module. This allows companies to easily expand their functionality with functionality like Wi-Fi offloading and Voice over Wi-Fi with Radiator SIM Pack, Online Charging with OCS/PCRF integration from Radiator Policy and Charging Pack, and seamless authentication to VoLTE supplementary services with Radiator GBA/BSF Pack

Radiator Service Provider Pack includes:

  • Radiator AAA Server software
  • Advanced Radiator Diameter server software
  • Diameter relay application
  • Equipment Identity Register (EIR) generic, client and test server support
  • 1st year unlimited email support
  • 1st year access to new releases & patches of all licensed software

Technical information

Radiator AAA server software supports:

  • Fully featured RADIUS and TACACS+ support
  • Acts as a Diameter to RADIUS (and RADIUS to Diameter)
    gateway for NAS authentication and accounting
  • Secure and reliable RADIUS proxying using RadSec
  • Supports IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, SCTP
  • Various scalability options for different use cases
  • Designed for assimilation and migration of new user
    populations from other ISPs during mergers and acquisitions
  • Support for standard tools like SNMP to monitor your server
  • Extensible with wide range of logging solutions (JSON, syslog,
    SQL, Elasticsearch, Splunk, etc.)
  • Support for 802.1X wireless authentication
  • Support for wide range of EAP authentication methods
    including MD5, One-Time-Password (OTP), Generic Token Card
    and MSCHAPV2), PEAP and PWD
  • Support for wide range 2-factor authentication solution (Duo
    Security, RSA Token, Google Authenticator, TOTP, etc.)
  • Database support: SQL (MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL,
    etc.), LDAP (Activery Directory, OpenLDAP, etc.)
  • Supports Active Directory integration both in Windows and
  • Roaming and proxying support (eduroam, govroam, iPass, etc.)
    Address allocation from SQL, DHCP, etc.
  • See RFC and supported interfaces from our RFC search tool.

Radiator Service Provider module supports:

  • Diameter Network Access Server Application documented in RFC 7155 (base for 3GPP Gz) and RFC 4005
  • Diameter authentication and Diameter accounting documented by RFC 7155
  • Diameter base protocol documented in RFC 6733 and RFC 3588
  • Diameter EAP Application documented in RFC 4072
  • Diameter Credit-Control Application documented in RFC 4006 and RFC 8506 (base for 3GPP Gx and Gy)
  • RADIUS <-> Diameter translation documented by RFC 6733
  • Equipment Identity Register (EIR) support for 3GPP AAA server custom and ready to use applications
  • See RFC and supported interfaces from our RFC search tool.

Popular use cases

Fiber-to-the-home authentication

FTTH (Fibre to the Home) services – using different PON (Passive optical network) technologies, such as GPON, XG-PON1, XGS-PON. Based on different estimates for consumer services in the industry, high-performance fibre access is needed more than ever. Because of this, one the most common new use cases for Radiator Service Provider Pack is the flexible and high-powered AAA for FTTH operators.

OpenRoaming AnP/IdP

OpenRoaming is a technology and commercial ecosystem for WiFi connectivity. End users with credentials from any participating organisation can seamlessly login to secure Wi-Fi in all OpenRoaming locations.

Radiator AAA Server Software is suited perfectly for joining OpenRoaming. Additionally, our product portfolio brings more features to mobile operators, carriers and other enterprises that want to benefit from Wi-Fi roaming.

For example, our Radiator SIM Pack software provides the features needed for SIM authentication (with EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA and EAP-AKA’ authentication methods), providing also the features needed for IMSI Privacy  when roaming.

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