Wi-Fi Roaming eduroam

eduroam (short for education roaming) worldwide wireless network for educational and research institutions worldwide. It allows students, researchers, and staff from eduroam connected organisations to connect to the internet at any eduroam-enabled location using their home institution’s login credentials. These credentials are often username and password issued by the home organisation.

Radiator can and has been used for all levels of eduroam. Radiator Software’s experts have contributed to development for over two decades. Radiator AAA is used by over 100 universities across the world.

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Wi-Fi Roaming OpenRoaming

OpenRoaming is a technology and commercial ecosystem for WiFi connectivity. End users with credentials from any participating organisation can seamlessly login to secure Wi-Fi in all OpenRoaming locations. 

OpenRoaming federation members include access network providers (ANPs) who provide the wireless connectivity, and identity providers (IdPs), who provide user credentials to end users, with many organisations acting in both capacities.

Radiator provides solutions for both ANP and IdP OpenRoaming deployments.

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