Radiator GBA/BSF Pack revision history
Radiator GBA/BSF Pack consists of Radiator AAA server software, Radiator Service Provider module and the Radiator GBA/BSF module. This page details the revision history for Radiator GBA/BSF module.
For the revision history of Radiator AAA server, please see the this page.
For the revision history of Radiator Service Provider module, please see the this page.
Radiator GBA/BSF Pack revision history
Revision 1.9 (2022-04-07)
Enhancements and bugfixes
- Updates to reference manual and example configurations related to barring rule with video media element check option.
- Fix for If-Match and ETag headers handling when barring rule with video media element check is in use.
- Requires Radiator Carrier 1.6, Radiator 4.25-1 recommended.
Revision 1.8 (2022-02-10)
New features and bug fixes
- New Lua code to enable returning HTTP 409 (conflict) to UE if XML payload in HTTP PUT request contains barring rule with video media element.
- New Lua code to forward the HTTP PUT request to AS when it does not contain barring rule with video media element.
- Fix a false warning in configuration check about not finding a configured clause by identifier.
- Requires Radiator Carrier 1.6, Radiator 4.25-1 recommended.
Revision 1.7 (2021-01-11)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where XML payload ruleset rule modification was not done.
- Requires Radiator Carrier 1.6, Radiator 4.25-1 recommended.
Revision 1.6 (2020-12-16)
New features and enhancements
- New Lua code to enable XML payload modification on successful user authentication response from AS to UE.
- New Lua code to modify XML payload ruleset rules having both audio and video media elements.
- Updates to reference manual and example configurations related to XML payload modification option.
- Updates to README installation instructions for RPM/deb package/repository usage.
- Updates to reference manual installation instructions for RPM/deb package/repository usage.
Revision 1.5.5 (2020-02-20)
Bug fixes and enhancements
- Fixed a bug where IMPU rewrite failed on the first request that NAF processed
- GUSS caching was not working correctly and cached GUSS entries were not used
- Rearranged files in the distribution and between Radiator modules. For example, files in Radiator Carrier are now preferred over local copies.
- Minor code maintentance related updates based on perlcritic output
Revision 1.5.4 (2019-12-31)
Compatibility and other enhancements
- A configuration option added to rewrite MSISDN to asserted IMPU in proxied XCAP requests from AP to TAS. This is required for compatibility with some implementations.
- Support for clients using qop with value auth-int
- Updates to configuration sample files
- RewriteUsername now works with IntergratorGBA configuration clause
- Multiple updates and enhancements to logging
Revision 1.5.3 (2018-10-30)
Minor enhancements
- Update sample configurations with upstream HTTP server failure handling
- Updated installation instructions
- Enhanced post-installation tester
- Updated server naming in sample configurations
Revision 1.5.2 (2018-10-25)
Minor enhancements
- Updated installation paths and location to /opt/radiator/radiator-gba-bsf which is where package managers install Radiator components
- Rearranged configuration, logrotate and other goodies files
- Added nafkeys.data to goodies. This file contains GBA authentication BTID and NAF key details for testing
Revision 1.5.1 (2018-10-08)
Bug fixes and enhancements
- Improved post-installation tester
- Improved TLS and TLS-PSK library loading
Revision 1.5.0 (2018-08-14)
Bug fixes and enhancements
- Added support for rewriting Zh username
- Added goodies/httpgbatst GBA tester
- All Ua/Ub interface parameters are now configurable in nginx.conf
- Fixed handling empty GUSS XML tag values
- Other minor code updates and fixes
- Updated README installation instructions
- Updates to configuration default values
Revision 1.4.1 (2017-08-28)
Bug fixes and enhancements
- Fixed TLS-PSK and NAF key generation when using TLS
- Updated READMEs and other instructions
- Other minor code updates and fixes
- Updates to configuration default values
- Updates to configuration samples and test backends
- Removed files that are now in Radiator Carrier module
- Requires Radiator Carrier module 1.1 or later
Revision 1.4.0 (2016-09-29)
Major new features
- GBA_Digest authentication for BSF
- Zx for AP (NAF)
- TLS-PSK authentication for AP (NAF)
- TLS for AP (NAF), NAF_ID now contains Ua security protocol based on used TLS cipher Id when generating Ks_NAF keys.
- rspauth of Authentication-Info HTTP header is now correctly calculated by body_filter_handler_ap.lua
- Integrator.pm renamed to IntegratorGBA.pm
- Added GUSS-Timestamp support to Zh interface
- Added support for calculating Ks_js_NAF key
- Return UICC-Key-Material over Zn interface only when requested with GBA_U-Awareness-Indicator AVP
- Renamed naf/access_handler.lua to access_handler_ap.lua
- Renamed bsf/access_handler.lua to access_handler_bsf.lua
- Renamed body_filter_handler.lua to body_filter_handler_ap.lua
- Renamed bsf/content_handler.lua to content_handler_bsf.lua
- Minor code updates
- Requires Radiator 4.16
Revision 1.3.2 (2016-06-01)
Minor enhancements
- Added warnings about empty conf variables in osc/util.lua and improved an error message in access_handler_bsf.lua
- Improved logging for errors and warnings
- Username and realm is now logged more often
- Minor code updates
- Requires Radiator 4.16
Revision 1.3.1 (2016-05-25)
Installation directory change. Minor updates.
- The installation directory for GBA/BSF module is now /opt/radiator. The previous location was /opt/osc
- Added logrotate samples in goodies directory
- Logging updates
- Minor code updates
- Dictionaries for Zh and Zn were refactored
- Requires Radiator 4.16
Revision 1.3 (2016-04-07)
Changes to allow running BSF and AP on the same server. Interoperability fixes.
- Further successful testing with Samsung, Microsoft and Apple user equipment
- Fixed username pre-checks
- Fix for AKA resynchronisation
- Fixes to correct naming TS 23.003 compliant
- Updates to nginx-ap.conf and nginx-bsf.conf in goodies
- Added support for using plain IMPI in X-3GPP-Asserted-Identity
- Updated radiator-bsf.conf in goodies
- ngx_socket_name configuration parameter was split to ngx_bsf_socket_name and ngx_ap_socket_name
- Renamed ngx_server_name into ngx_bsf_server_name and ngx_ap_server_name
- Renamed ngx_username_realm into ngx_impi_username_realm and ngx_btid_username_realm
- Fixed access_handlers to work even when client does not send HTTP user agent header
- Requires Radiator 4.16
Revision 1.2 (2016-01-21)
First public release
- Requires Radiator 4.16
Revision 1.1 (2015-10-23)
Beta testing, new features, performance and interoperability improvements
- Tested with Samsung user equipment
- Tested with Nokia backend services
Revision 1.0 (2015-07-15)
Initial version external evaluation and testing